New Focus: Peace of God (#887)
So here we are at our last fellowship of the year. Well Jesus Christ is referred to by many, many fine titles in the scriptures and one of them is the Prince of Peace. And since we are coming up on the time of year when many celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, I thought why not talk about the peace of God. Some have stated that all that I teach about is the peace of God. I do teach on a variety of topics, but they generally do come back at some point to the peace of God. I have found that when I’m trusting and reliant on God, I’m very peaceful. And if I’m upset, worried, stressed out, etc.; it usually is because I’ve forgotten to focus on God and aren’t peaceful. Let’s start in Psalm 4. And, for those that are interested in learning more on this subject there is a class on the website, entitled The Stayed Mind and Peace of God that covers this topic in more detail.
Taught by Bruce Mahone 20151220, all rights reserved.
Verse Listing and Notes
Psalm 4:5-8 Thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety
Psalm 37:7-11 The meek shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace
Psalm 37:34-40 The end of the perfect man is peace (vs. 34 – wait = expect)
Psalm 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law
Proverbs 3:1-6 God’s commandments add peace (vs. 2)
Proverbs 3:13-18 All the paths of wisdom are peace
Isaiah 26:3-4 Perfect peace whose mind is stayed (steadfast, steady)
Isaiah 32:17 The work (achievement) of righteousness shall be peace
Isaiah 48:18 Peace like a river
Philippians 4:4-9 Peace will guard your hearts
887 – New Focus – Peace of God
I love you Bruce! I’m in South Korea looking forward to getting back home, but so comforted by your teaching. Your the best! Thank you for putting God’s word out like you do. You’re always in my prayers, and for to keep speaking those galvanizing words of grace, peace, joy, and comfort for us. Bless, Bless, Bless peace out.
I’ll pass your comment on to Bruce, I’m sure he’ll be blessed to hear from you. God bless you!
Brian (the web admin)