Love, Love, Love (#1038)

Love, Love, Love (#1038)


As taught by Bruce Mahone, 20220313.  All rights reserved.

Verse Listing and Notes

Deuteronomy 7:8               God’s motives

Jeremiah 31:3                      With lovingkindness He drew us

Luke 15                                 The forgiving father

John 3:16                              God so loved that He gave

Romans 2:4                          The goodness of God

I John 4:17                            In the day of man’s judgement, we have boldness (cf. I Cor. 4:3)

I John 4:18                            There is no fear in the love of God

I John 4:19                            He loved us first

Matthew 22:34-40              First and great commandment: love God, then your neighbor

Matthew 23                         These ought ye to have done, and not left the other undone (vs. 23)

Romans 8:28                       All things work together for good

I John 5:2-3                          For this is the love of God


Love, Love, Love (#1038)

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