Monthly Archives: April 2018

God's Care: Love God (#942)

God’s Care: Love God (#942)
We’re going to continue our series on God’s Care today. We’ve read so many ways over the last months about ways that God cares for us. And one of the ways He cares for us is by encouraging us to love him. You know everybody wants to have something to love, for some people it is a spouse, for some people it is their kids, for some people it is a cat; for some people it is a dog; for some people its their job, or a sport, or a car. Everybody needs something to one and care for and one of the things God wants us to do is simply love Him. And, I have found in my life, and many others have, that when they are really actively, in their minds and hearts, loving God, they are just much happier, they’re much more peaceful, they’re much more focused. So there are a lot of verses in the Bible about the importance of loving God, and we’re going to read some of those today and we do this every couple of years and every time I go through these verses again, I go wow, that is cool stuff! So let’s do that, let’s start in Deuteronomy chapter six…
As taught by Bruce Mahone 20180429.  All rights reserved.
Verse Listing and Notes
Deut. 6:4-5                Love the Lord thy God
Deut. 7:7-9                Them that love him
Deut. 10:12-16         Love him and serve
Deut. 11:1-25            Love the Lord
Deut. 13:1-3              To know whether you love the Lord your God (vs. 3)
Deut. 30:15-20          Life and good
Joshua 22:1-5            Be diligent to love the Lord your God
Psalms 59:16-17       I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning
Psalms 119:97, 113, 163, 165 Thy law do I love
Eccl. 12:13                  Whole duty of man: fear God and keep his commandments
Matthew 22:34-40     First and great commandment: love God
John 15:9-12               If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love
Romans 8:28              All things work together for good
I John 4:19                  We love him, because he first loved us
I John 5:2-3                 For this is the love of God
God’s Care: Love God (#942)

God's Care: Learning (#941)

God’s Care: Learning (#941)
Welcome! Today, we are going to continue our series on God’s Care for us. We’ve looked through many sessions at the many ways God cares for us. And the way we’ll look at it today is that He helps us to keep learning. I know that in education, terms change from time to time and as some new approach gets popular, often for the better, but one term that has been around for a long time is what we call continuing education. Usually referring to adults who have finished their basic schooling and have gone and worked, but then want to keep learning more after that. I used to work for an organization where we had what we called life-long learning; we had programs that taught children starting in about second grade and would keep giving you classes ’till you were past retirement. So, there are all kinds of approaches to learning; we all know how important it is to keep growing. But what we are going to talk about today is how God helps people learn, and the point of it is, it doesn’t matter your age. We will see some very, very old people that keep learning and growing and we will see some very, very young people that keep learning and growing, and some people in middle-age are learning and growing. So, its not a matter of your age or where you are, it a matter that because God cares for us, He wants to help us keep learning, and He’ll continue to teach us. So we should never have the attitude that we’ve learned all we can learn and we can’t grow anymore and God’s done teaching us. Because He cares for us so much, that He’ll continue to help us learn. So let’s go to Genesis chapter 12…
As taught by Bruce Mahone 20180415, all rights reserved.
Verse Listing and Notes
Genesis 12:1-9                      Abraham moved to Canaan when 75 years old
Exodus 2:11-3:15                  Moses at 40 and at 80
I Samuel 2:18-21, 26; 3        Samuel as a young man
Proverbs 4:13; 8:33; 15:32  Instruction
Luke 2:41-52                          Jesus Christ increased in wisdom and stature (vs. 52) (Heb. 5:8)
Galations 2:11-15                 Paul confronted Peter regarding living under the law (Phil 4:11)
Hebrews 12:1-11                  Chasten/chastise: Discipline
II Timothy 3:10-17                Continue in the things thou hast learned
God’s Care: Learning (#941)

God's Care: Healing and Forgiveness (#940)

God’s Care: Healing and Forgiveness (#940)
Good morning. Here we are on Resurrection Sunday, Easter Sunday, on the first of April in 2018. Last session we talked about eternal life and the resurrection and the many, many verses related to that. Today we’re going to focus on another aspect of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, which is the healing and forgiveness that was involved in that. A very important thing. As we know much of Christianity people end up being critical, judgemental, attack each other and attack everybody they don’t like and that seems to be their entire focus. You know spend a day working in Washington, DC and you’ll find that out; and it is unfortunate because the great emphasis in the scriptures is on the healing and forgiveness that comes through Jesus Christ. And you all probably heard me say this many times, but I think there is two approaches to Christianity: you either spend your time focusing on the sins of man or focus on the deliverance from sin that the lord Jesus Christ brought for us. So, we can sit around here talking about who is the greatest sinner, and who messed this up and who messed that up, and that is the great party that people like to do, they love to talk about how their group is better than another group because they don’t do these terrible, nasty, things that somebody did and that is all they focus on, or the main thing they focus on. And it ends up in political movements, it ends up in cultural movements, it ends up in them telling you and can’t talk to these people because they are weird, and it goes on and on. And oftentimes they are other Christians. But we don’t focus on that, we focus on the great deliverance that Jesus Christ provides. So, let’s go to Exodus chapter 12.
As taught by Bruce Mahone, 20180401.  All rights reserved.
Verse Listing and Notes
Exod. 12:1-11             The Lord’s Passover
Mat. 8:16-17               Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses
Mat. 26:26-28             The cup and the bread
Luke 24:1-8                 Why seek ye the living among the dead?
John 1:29                     Behold the lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world
I Cor. 5:7                     Christ our passover is sacrificed for us
I Cor. 10:16                 The cup and the bread
I Cor. 11:23-26           This do in remembrance of me
Gal. 3:13                     Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law
Heb. 9:12                    By his own blood he obtained eternal redemption for us
I Peter 2:24                 By whose stripes ye were healed
God’s Care: Healing and Forgiveness (#940)