God's Abundance: Steadfastness (#920)

God’s Abundance: Steadfastness (#920)
Today we’ll continue our series on God’s Abundance and we’ll talk about the abundance of God’s steadfastness.  God is very, very steadfast; He is very reliable.  One of the things we heard in manifestations today was God said: “I am the one you can always count on.”  And that is great,  Because as we’ve talked about many times in fellowship, we love people, we work with them, we expect the best from them, but sometimes people fall short.  Either because they don’t care or because they try very hard but just can’t seem to figure out how to come through for you.  Either way, God’s the one you can always count on.  So with people, we do the best we can and we enjoy them the best we can, but ultimately God is the one we can always count on; as Mary-Rose and Brian prayed for and we heard in manifestations.  So we’ll talk about God’s steadfastness, we’ll read a bunch of verses talking about God being steadfast and we’ll also read some verses about believers, people, being steadfast.  God is encouraging us to be steadfast, because we are to be imitators of God, so there are people who the Bible said were steadfast in their confidence in God and we are encouraged to be steadfast as well.  But the focus, the main focus, today will be on God being steadfast.  So, let’s start in the book of Ruth.  A wonderful believer: Ruth; Joshua, Judges, Ruth…
As taught by Bruce Mahone on 20170528, all rights reserved.
Verse Listing and Notes
Ruth                                   She was steadfastly minded (determined) [1:18]
Daniel 6                             He is the living God, and steadfast for ever (vs. 26)
Psalm 13:5-6                     I have trusted in thy steadfast love
Psalm 18:46-50                God shows steadfast love to his anointed, and to his seed forevermore
Psalm 23                           Surely goodness and steadfast love (vs. 6) shall follow me
Psalm 107:1                     O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his mercy (steadfast love) endures forever
Psalm 108:1-6, 12-13      Your mercy (steadfast love, lovingkindness) is great above (higher than) the heavens and thy truth (faithfulness) reaches to the clouds (skies) (vs. 4)
Psalm 112:1, 7-8              His heart is fixed (vs 7 – steadfast), his heart is established (vs 8 – steady)
Psalm 136                         Mercy: love (NIV), lovingkindness (ASV), steadfast love (NRSV)
Isa. 26:3-4                         Stayed on thee – steadfast (Expositors Bible Commentary), well stayed, steady (ICC)
Luke 8:15                          Fruit with patience (steadfast perseverance) [by persevering]
Rom. 12:10-14                 Patient in mental pressure, continuing instant in prayer [continuing steadfast, faithful, persevering in prayer]
I Cor. 15:58                      Be ye steadfast unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord
II Thes. 3:5                       Love of God & Patient (steadfast) waiting
I Peter 5:6-9                     Whom resist, steadfast in the faith
God’s Abundance: Steadfastness (#920)

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