Synchronized Life (#999)

Synchronized Life (#999)
Good morning. Today we’re going to talk about the synchronized life. The idea for this came to talking to Peter Lloyd several days ago. He told me he’d run into some teaching online about getting what you say inline with what you do and what you believe. And he was very excited about it, he had never heard anything like that. I told him that sounds like Dr. Wierwille’s teaching on the synchronized life, or he used to call it the synchronized confession. And it is something we’ve all known, he taught it many times, and it showed up in the blue book, The Bible Tells me So. But, he’d never heard it so I told him I would teach on it, and he is not with us today, but he said he would listen to the teaching on the website. So, I dug around my notes and usually I’ve taught on most of these topics and I have notes on them, but I couldn’t find any notes on when the last time I taught this was; so I pulled out Dr. Wierwille’s book on the topic and started looking through it and I realized it was so well said that that I’m actually going to read that chapter to you. I don’t usually do that, but why not? I realize I probably couldn’t say it any better that that Dr. Wierwille did, so I’ll read through that short chapter with you and then I’ll add a few other scriptures on the same topic to wrap up…

As taught by Bruce Mahone, 20200726.  All rights reserved.
Verse Listing and Notes
Psalms 18:33              Hinds’ feet
Romans 8:35-39         More than conquerors
Colossians 1:13          Delivered from the power of darkness
II Kings 4:8-37            The Shunammite confessed “It is well” (vs. 26)
Matthew 4:1-11          It is written
Synchronized Life (#999)

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