Prayer: Keep Asking (#905)
Today we’re going to start a new series on Prayer. This will be the first session and the theme of today is simply: keep asking. Yes, Keep asking. We find this a lot in life and it reminds me of a guy I knew years ago who was a satellite salesman down South who said my job is to bug them until they buy. You can sell a lot of satellites that way. And if you didn’t keep asking, somebody else would ask them and they might buy their satellite. Although we’re not selling satellites or anything else, we are asking God, and God wants us to ask. There are things God just can give you; like air and water coming down from the sky and things like that, but there are other things that God says you should ask for. And a lot of it is because He give us freedom of will; He is not going to come in and invade your life and make things happen. But if you ask Him for help, He’ll be there to help. So that will be the theme today, and we’ll cover many other aspects of prayer in the weeks ahead. And some of what we’ll read today, we’ll review in later sessions. So let’s start in Luke 18:1….
Copyright Bruce Mahone 20161016.
Verse Listing and Notes:
Luke 18: 1-8. Pray, don’t faint or lose heart.
James 5:17-18. Elias/Ejijah: prayed and walked by revelation.
I Kings 17:1-24. God’s will, Ahab, and no rain.
Phillipians 4:6. Go to God with prayer and b anxious for nothing.
Lamentations 3:22-26. Quietly wait.
Prayer: Keep Asking (#905)
Prayer: Keep Asking (#905)
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