One Lord; Access to God (#979) [From a Northern IL Weekend in the Word Event]
We’re going to talk about one Lord. And as we all know much about the Lord Jesus Christ and one could spend days, weeks, and months talking about all the great things that he, as our Lord, has done. The aspect that I’m going to focus on today is that Jesus Christ is our means of access to God. One of the many, many, many fine things his ministry accomplished is that he gave us access to God. As you know if you go back to the Old Testament, there are verses like “God made His ways known unto to Moses, but His acts unto the children of Israel. Moses is the only one that really got what was going on, which is why when he went up to the mountain to talk to God and came down, they’d made a golden calf. That they were worshiping. Because most of them really didn’t get it, but Moses did. He was the only one with the spirit of God. An it took his Father-in-Law, Jethro, the priest of Midian to tell him: ‘hey, you need some help’. And so he went to God and ordained about 70 other guys and the spirit of God got on them, and then there were about 70 people who could have the spirit of God. But it was still very rare.
Remember that time when Jehoshaphat was out there and they were attacked by three armies and they prayed and didn’t know what to do? God put the spirit of God on one fellow in the audience, in the crowd, in the congregation and he’s the one God talked because he had the spirit of God and he told them what to do. And of course they went out the next day and they didn’t even have to fight in the battle because all the enemy soldiers had killed each other. But it is different today, we all have access to God. Its not just Moses. Which is why it wonderful, as Charlie was saying that as you guys are set up here as an organization, that everybody has input. There is safety in a multitude of counselors. Now a lot of Christian groups, and we’ve been involved in some of them, not all of them, set themselves up like they have an Old Testament prophet, who is the only guy with the spirit of God. So the only thing that matters is what that one guy or woman says. But, that is not the case today. We all have the spirit of God. Now it is true that there are ministries in the body and God may put somebody in charge and that person may have a little bit of a stronger voice. But to say one person, and there is only one person who can talk to God, is just not true. And the reason is, we all have access to God. Because we have one Lord Jesus Christ, who because of him, we received the spirit of God and through him we have access to God. So as Brian was saying earlier today, no one of us has more spirit than the others. And in the same way, no one of us has more access to God than somebody else.
And you got to realize I worked in downtown D.C. for 30 years and access is what is all about. That is much of the fights going on in D.C. today that we don’t need to get into, argue over access to people with power and what ways to obtain that access are legal and ethical and what ways are not legal and ethical. And that is the basis of the fights you hear in the news today. I’m not going to get into what side of the argument you want to be on, but the point is access is very important. If you can call somebody up and have them help you do something that helps whatever cause your doing and you can do it legally, you get stuff down in Washington. If you haven’t done your homework and you don’t know who to call and you don’t know how to legally approach them, nothing will happen. And that is just in Washington. The same is true; I was sitting on the airplane coming here yesterday and talking to a guy who sells IT systems. Well, if he can’t get his customers to answer the phone and buy stuff, he’s going to have a bad month in sales. It is true in any field, you have to know how to get access to the people you want to deal with. And that is important, and in certain parts of government, in business, and in personal relationships having access to people is hugely important.
How much greater having access to the one true God? And knowing that He’ll listen when you call, He’ll pick up the phone. There are many verses in the Old Testament that say: ‘If you seek the Lord, you will find him.’ He’s not hiding. And that was even before Jesus Christ gave us access to God. So, God’s always been available, He’s just a lot more available to a lot more people now that the Lord Jesus Christ has provided that access. So let’s read about it, John 16…
As taught by Bruce Mahone, 20191019 at a N. IL Weekend Event. All Rights Reserved.
Verse Listing and Note
John 16:23-24 In that day ye shall ask me nothing…Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
Romans 5:1,2 Peace with God, justified by believing (cf. Rom. 14:20-25). Righteousness – being right with God, so that you can stand before him with no consciousness of shortcoming. Justification – freedom from guilt, “just as if…”
I Corinthians 8:6 One God…and One Lord Jesus Christ
Ephesians 2:18-19 Through Jesus Christ, we have access to God
Ephesians 3:12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence (confident access) by the faith of him. Or: we may approach God with freedom and confidence (NIV).
Colossians 3 Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and (even)* the Father by him (vs. 17)
Hebrews 4:16 Come boldly to the throne of grace (cf. vss. 14-15)
Hebrews 7:24-25 He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him – vs. 25
I Peter 3:18 That he (JC) might bring us to God
I Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men
One Lord; Access to God (#979)
Thank you Bruce for a teaching well needed 💯❤️