New Beginnings: Pray with Believing (#864)
For the last couple of years, we’ve focused on practical living. We’ll still focus on what is practical and be living, but at least for the next few months we’ll focus on New Beginnings. It has been a few years since we covered this, so we’ll look at an important concept — that of prayer with believing. Since God doesn’t control our lives and won’t overcome our freedom of will, we need to pray and ask God for help if we want Him to help us. And when we pray to God, we need to actually believe that He will actually help us — we need to pray with believing.
Taught by Bruce Mahone on 20150104. All rights reserved.
Verse Listing and Notes
I John 5:13-15 If we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us
Mat. 21:19-22 Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive
Mark 11:13-24 When ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them
II Cor. 9:8 God is able to provide sufficiency in all things
Phil. 4:19 My God shall supply all your need
III John 3 God’s will is health and prosperity
Rom 8:37-39 In all these things we are more than conquerors
II Cor 2:14 God always causes us to triumph in Christ
II Kings 4:1-7 God provided through the vessels of oil.
864 New Beginnings – Pray with Believing
New Beginnings: Pray with Believing (#864)
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