Let Go (#974)
Good morning. Today we’re going to get into a topic we touch on a lot. We mention this topic about every time we meet, but I’m going to focus on just this one topic from a number of different points of view. And, you may recall we have a couple of sayings, which aren’t in the Bible, but they’re very clearly documented in the Bible. One of them is: “Let go and let God.” Meaning, that there are times when you can’t do anymore, so you should just let go and not worry about it: “I’ve done what I can, so I’m going to let go.” And a similar phrase we often use is: “You do your best and God will do the rest.” Again, a very true statement in the scriptures, because there is so much we can do and once we’ve done what we can do, and we should do what we can do, but once we’ve done all we can do, we have to just let go and let God. So that is the name of today’s topic: “Let Go.” And again, we’ll read it from many different approaches in the Bible. Let’s go to Genesis 39…
As taught by Bruce Mahone, 20190811. All rights reserved
Verse Listing and Notes
Genesis 39:1-5 Joseph prospered in the house of Potiphar
Genesis 39:21-23 Joseph prospered in prison
Exodus 3:1-10 I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt
Ruth 3:18 Sit still my daughter until thou know how the matter will fall
II Kings 4:32-37 Elisha walked in the house to and fro
II Chronicles 20:12 Neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee
Jeremiah 42:5-7 It came to pass after ten days that the word of the Lord came
Psalms 37:7 Rest in the Lord [be still, silent before the Lord]; Wait patiently for him
Psalms. 40:1 I waited (with expectation) [patiently and expectantly] and he heard
Acts 16:6-10 There stood a man of Macedonia and prayed him Come help us
Acts 21:1-4 Said to Paul through the Spirit that he should not go up to Jerusalem
Colossians 1:9-11 Strengthened unto all patience with joyfulness
1Thessolonians 1:3 Patience of (proceeding from) hope
Hebrews 12:1 Let us run with patience [patient endurance] the race before us
Let God (#974)
Let Go (#974)
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