Joshua 3 and 4 (#1003)
Good morning! We’re going to continue our theme that we started last time, looking at the books of Joshua, Judges and Ruth. I’m not sure at this point whether we’ll read them entirely or just highlights, but last time we read Joshua one and two. Talking about when Moses died and God telling them to pick up and get ready to cross the Jordan and all the people said: “Joshua, we’re with you, 100%.” And they got ready and they got all packed up and organized and now in Joshua chapter three, we’ll see them actually cross the Jordan and in Joshua four, we’ll she them make preparations on how they are going to settle in and how they are going to remember that great day when God brought them deliverance. So, let’s start in Joshua chapter three…
As taught by Bruce Mahone 20200920. All rights reserved.
Verse Listing and Notes
Joshua 3 Crossing the Jordan on dry land
Joshua 4 Setting up stones of memorial
Joshua 3 and 4 (#1003)
Joshua 3 and 4 (#1003)
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