God’s Care: Live More!, Part 2 (#938)
Good morning. We’ll continue our series on God’s care for us, which we started the beginning of this year. We’re going to look at many different topics in the Bible from the point of view of how much God cares for us. And last week we covered the topic of Live. With the emphasis being that no matter what’s going on around you, you just have to live your life and you can’t let stuff get to you. When of the great examples we had was when Daniel was doing very well in the upper levels of bureaucracy in Babylon, he was one of the top bureaucrats there. Which I get a kick out of because some people like to make fun of government bureaucrats. There’s plenty to make fun of, but I think: we’ll Daniel was one. And then they get mad if the people in charge, they don’t agree with them . We’ll you work for a very idolatrous dictator, yet he still managed to believe God. The idolatrous dictator, who happened to be the King of Babylon, actually liked Daniel.
It was his coworkers that got jealous and decided they wanted to get rid of him because he was getting too influential. And they couldn’t figure out how to do it because they couldn’t find any skeletons in his closet so to speak — any dirt on him. So they made up a law that said you could only worship the king of Babylon for the next, I think, 60 or 90 days. And of course Daniel worshiped the true God and so even after they passed the law, he still went to his room, opened the window, and prayed the true God, the God of Israel, three times a day. That was against the law; he broke the law. But he kept living God’s word the way he had been doing before the law was written; and as a result he got thrown into the lions’ den, but you know the record: God brought him out safely. And it was those people that accused him that ended up getting eaten by the lions, not Daniel.
So we’ve covered a bunch of other records, but the point of the records, and you can listen to the teaching on the website if you want, the point of all the records we looked at last week was that you just have to live God’s word and live your life. You can’t be worried about what people say, what people think, how things go; you just can’t worry about it. You just got to live your life trusting God. And we’re going to continue to do that with the topic: Love More! Just a continuation of the topic of the importance of living God’s word, no matter what’s going on. So let’s go to John chapter 10….
As taught by Bruce Mahone, 20180311. All rights reserved.
Verse Listing and Notes
John 10:10 I am come that they might have life (zoe) – more than abundantly
Acts 5:20 Go, stand and speak all the words of this life (zoe)
Rom 1:16-17 The just shall live (zao) by faith
Rom 6:1-4 Walk in newness of life (zoe)
Rom 8:1-8 To be spiritually minded is life (zoe) and peace (vs. 6)
Rom 12:1-2 Present your bodies a living (zao) sacrifice
Rom 12:10-21 Live peacably (eiraneuo) with all men (vs 18)
I Tim 2:1-6 A quiet and peacable life (bios) in all godliness and honesty
Supplemental verses:
Ps 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them
Ps 103:11-14 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us (vs 12)
Phil 3:13-16 Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those which are before (vs 13)
God’s Care: Live More! (#938)
God's Care: Live More!, Part 2 (#938)
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