What we can Choose (#868)
Today we’ll take a brief look at Predestination and Freedom of will; the full class will taught in a couple of weeks (now available here). Throughout the history of Christianity this topic has been very controversial; for example some believe that God controls everything in our lives, even the bad things that occur; yet it is very clear in the scriptures that God gives us choices, He gave us freedom of will.
Taught by Bruce Mahone on 20150301. All rights reserved.
Verse Listing and Notes
Gen 2:15-17; 3:1ff Adam was given a command, and chose to disobey it
Deut 28 The blessings and the curse of the law
Jer 42ff God provided them a way of safety, which they rejected
Jonah 3-4 God gave Nineveh a chance to repent, which they did
Rom 10:9-10 If thou shalt confess (acknowledge), thou shalt be saved
What we can Choose (30:47)
What we can Choose (#868)
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