New Focus: Steadfast (#885)

New Focus: Steadfast (#885)
Today we’re are going to continue our series having a new focus in life, we’re going to focus on being steadfast.  Let’s start with the book of Ruth, we won’t read the whole book, but we’re all familiar with this record where the family left Bethlehem in Judah to go to the land of Moab were there wasn’t a famine; there was a famine in Bethlehem, but for some reason there wasn’t a famine in Moab so the family traveled there.   While there the two sons married Moabite women.  And after some more time the father died and the two sons also died.  Leaving three widows. Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah.  Let’s look at the record…
Taught by Bruce Mahone 20151115, all rights reserved.
Verse Listing and Notes
Ruth                               She was steadfastly minded (determined) [1:18]
Psalm 13:5-6                 I have trusted in thy steadfast love
Psalm 18:46-50            God shows steadfast love to his anointed, and to his seed forevermore
Psalm 23:6                    Surely goodness and steadfast love shall follow me
Psalm 107:1                  O give to the Lord, for he is good; his mercy (steadfast love) endures forever
Psalm 108:1-6, 12-13  Your mercy (steadfast love, lovingkindness) is great above (higher than) the heavens and thy truth (faithfulness) reaches to the clouds (skies) (vs. 4)
Psalm 136                     Mercy: love (NIV), lovingkindness (ASV), steadfast love (NRSV)
Psalm 112:1, 7-8          His heart is fixed (vs 7 – steadfast), his heart is established (vs 8 – steady)
Isaiah 26:3-4                 stayed on thee – steadfast (Expositors Bible Commentary), well stayed, steady (ICC)
Daniel 6:26                  He is the living God, and steadfast for ever (vs. 26)
Luke 8:15                     Fruit with patience (steadfast perseverance) [by persevering]
Rom. 12:10-14            Patient in mental pressure [continuing steadfast, faithful, persevering in prayer]
I Cor. 15:58                  Be ye steadfast unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord
I Peter 5:6-9                 Whom resist, steadfast in the faith
II Thes. 3:5                   Love of God & Patient (steadfast) waiting
Additional Verses:
II Thes. 3:3                   The Lord is faithful, who will stablish you and keep you from evil
II Tim. 2:13                   If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful
Titus 1:9                       Holding fast the faithful word
I John 1:9                      He is faithful and just to forgive
885 New Focus – Steadfast

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