Clear Focus, Part 9: Steadfast (#966)

Clear Focus, Part 9: Steadfast (#966)
Good morning. Today we’ll continue our series on on having a clear focus, so we know where to focus our attention and our thinking for the upcoming couple of weeks. So many things to think about in God’s word, its nice to just pick one or two to focus on. And what we’re going to focus on is the concept of being steadfast. We see this in at least two areas; one, God is steadfast in His care for us and that was very clear in the manifestations; He said he would be the constant in our lives, He would always be here to take care of us, and we’ll read a number of versus about that and we’ll read a number of other versus about the importance of us being steadfast to trust God and believe His word and pray. So it will be a great session, I’m very excited about it. As with many of these teachings, we have read these verses before, but not for a couple of years. So, it will be great to look at them and consider them in light of our lives today. Let’s start in the book of Ruth, in the Old Testament…

As taught by Bruce Mahone, 20190407.  All rights reserved.
Verse Listing and Notes
Ruth                                   She was steadfastly minded (determined) [1:18]
Psalms 13:5-6                   I have trusted in thy steadfast love
Psalms 18:46-50               God shows steadfast love to his anointed, and to his seed forevermore
Psalms 23:6                       Surely goodness and steadfast love shall follow me
Psalms 107:1                     O give to the Lord, for he is good; his mercy (steadfast love) endures forever
Psalms 108:1-6, 12-13      Your mercy (steadfast love, lovingkindness) is great above (higher than) the heavens and thy truth (faithfulness) reaches to the clouds (skies) (vs. 4)
Psalms 136                         Mercy: love (NIV), lovingkindness (ASV), steadfast love (NRSV)
Psalms 112:1, 7-8              His heart is fixed (vs 7 – steadfast), his heart is established (vs 8 – steady)
Isaiah 26:3-4                       Stayed on thee – steadfast (Expositors Bible Commentary), well stayed, steady (ICC)
Daniel 6:26                          He is the living God, and steadfast for ever (vs. 26)
Luke 8:15                             Fruit with patience (steadfast perseverance) [by persevering]
Romans 12:10-14               Patient in mental pressure [continuing steadfast, faithful, persevering in prayer]
I Corinthians 15:58             Be ye steadfast unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord
I Peter 5:6-9                          Whom resist, steadfast in the faith
II Thessolians 3:5                 Love of God & Patient (steadfast) waiting
Additional Verses:
II Thessolians 3:3                  The Lord is faithful, who will stablish you and keep you from evil
II Timothy 2:13                       If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful
Titus 1:9                                  Holding fast the faithful word
I John 1:9                                 He is faithful and just to forgive
Clear Focus, Part 9: Steadfast (#966)

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